Just so I can keep track of all that's been going on recently, I'm going to do a little timeline update. You probably already know that we did not get MOWCYA approval on March 6. Here's what's been happening since....
3/6 - 2nd MOWCYA Date - received an email from AWAA saying that MOWCYA is closed - no reasons why or dates when they will be back
3/9 - MOWCYA is back open, but behind on their files
3/17 - email from AWAA saying that due to MOWCYA writing negative letters for families, we need to update more paperwork - birth certificates, marriage license, employment letter, unemployment letter, financial statement, and get a few others certified
3/24 - sent all documents to AWAA, also found out we received a negative letter from MOWCYA, but not for any of the reasons we were expecting. The problem has been fixed and we have been assigned a new MOWCYA date.
4/17 - all documents have their certifications & authentications and are on their way to Ethiopia.....will they be needed in order to receive a positive letter?? Only time will tell!
Praise God that He continues to give us comfort & peace through this very discouraging time. One verse that I have been repeating over & over is Proverbs 21:1.....I may have taken some liberty with changing a word or two, but the meaning remains the same :) "MOWCYA's heart is like a stream of water directed by the LORD; he guides it wherever he pleases."
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